1. Registration for Team Players and Unassigned Players start 1 month before the day of the first game. Registration ends 1 week before the start of the first game unless vacancies still exist for Team players.
FLBA members registration has priority over non-members for the first week of registration. There after until registration closes all registrations are on a first submitted bases.
2. Leagues must have an even number of Teams, but they cannot have less than 4 or more than 8.
3. Teams must have 4 players. Any unassigned player from the list of unassigned players may be substituted for a missing Team player. Team players from another FLBA league may also be substituted. No more than 3 players can be substituted on a Team. If a FLBA player cannot be found, a non-player may be substituted, but must pay $5 to the League Captain. (The goal is to play the game, not forfeit)
1. All Players, Team or Unassigned, must pay $40.00 to join the league. Team players are designated when they join. No more than 6 Team players may be assigned to one Team. Team players may not play against their assigned Team, but may be substituted on any other team if it’s ok with the playing captains. The Team captain will collect the fees from the team players and pay the FLBA Treasurer the amount for all the Team players ($40.00 x number of team players). Unassigned players pay $40.00 individually. The unassigned player may be placed into a Team or remain unassigned.
1. Any league player is considered an FLBA member during the time of their participation in the League. This entitles them to automatic coverage under the FLBA Liability Insurance Policy while they are playing, first pick to enter any FLBA Tourney held that season, the right to attend any FLBA event that year as a member, and the right to attend the annual FLBA meeting and vote.
2. While not required to join the FLBA as an annual member, we respectfully request that you do so to support the cause of Bocce. It is the annual memberships that pays for the Liability Insurance that covers your play, pays for the FLBA website and email service, pays for all administrative cost and all the things that allow us to continue educating the hundreds of school kids and providing the FLBA Leagues that we know you enjoy playing in. The $40.00 League Fees pay for the cost of building and maintaining the courts, all other expenses are paid thru the FLBA membership.
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